Today, September 27, 2023, is the 5th anniversary of Voyage Comics! It’s difficult to believe that we’ve made it this far, as we never really intended on creating a comic book company!
God certainly had other plans!
I’ll be honest, it hasn’t been easy over the years, and at times it may look like our ship is sinking. No one really was looking for “Catholic comics” or even “Christian comics,” and yet, we discovered that there is a great demand for high quality comic books that inspire young and old to lead heroic lives.
In fact, the demand has been increasing so much recently it has been difficult for us to keep up!
Throughout all these trials, we have placed ourselves in the hands of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, asking her to guide us through the many storms to find calmer waters.
When looking at the horizon and into the future, we see great potential for what “could be” and hope that you will journey with us and help us reach that future.
I realize this is a bit of a long blog post, but I’d like to highlight today seven ways that you can be part of our mission to fill this world with truth, beauty and goodness.
7 Ways that you can bring LIGHT into the world!
1. Donate Comics for Schools
We’d like to ship free comics for schools across the United States and beyond! For example, we recently received a request from Ireland from those involved in evangelization through the example of Bl. Carlo Acutis. They are going to visit each school in Ireland and want to distribute our comic book, Digital Disciple, in hopes of fanning the flame of faith in the young people in Ireland.
However, they have no budget and no money to ship over boxes of our comics. We’d like to ship as many comics to Ireland as possible, as well as every school in the United States, but we need your help!
If you’re interested in contributing to this worthy endeavor of sending free comics to schools, contact us!
2. Give to the Treasure Chest Project
We hope you are pleased with the recent release of Treasure Chest Volume I.
Many of you have already asked about Treasure Chest: Volume II.
As you know, this project is massive in scale, as it requires the recoloring of roughly 500 issues that were released over a period of 20 years!
It is our goal to produce one volume every 3-4 months!
However, in order to make this vision a reality, we are in need of YOUR support.
Printing costs in particular are always rising and we need to print a large amount of these beautifully bound books to meet demand.
Please consider reserving your copy of the next volume today!
3. Sell Comics at Conferences
We’ve realized that we can only travel so much and are in need of other people to sell our comics at conferences around the United States.
If you enjoy attending Catholic/Christian conferences, contact us and we can talk about how you can make some extra money by selling our comics at a conference you are attending!
4. Buy in Bulk!
Did you know we offer large discounts to bulk orders? If you are purchasing for your church or school, you can take advantage of our many tiers of discounts for ordering in bulk!
5. Give Free Comics to your Friends
Voyage has grown to what it is today because of all of you! You have shared your love for Voyage with your friends, and in turn, they have grown to love Voyage also. In the next few weeks we will be making it easier than ever to share by introducing a new Refer-a-Friend program. More details will be revealed later.
6. Shop Local
While shopping online has become a major part of nearly everyone’s lives, we’d like to support local businesses and have started to expand our presence in local stores. We’d love to have comics on the racks of your local religious bookstore, or maybe even your local comic book shop! You can help make this happen! Ask your store to carry us and give them our contact information!
7. Raise Money for your Church/School
We know that many churches and schools are in need of extra funds and host various fundraisers throughout the year. Voyage is open to the idea of splitting the profit on sales of comics with your church/school, similar to other popular fundraisers. Contact us if your’e interested in learning more about this possibility!

Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.