Tour the beautiful Skellig Michael island without going there! [Video]

Skellig Michael is naturally an amazing place on earth. It has greatly inspired us, especially in the production of our first comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains

A beautiful panel from Issue 1 of Finnian and the Seven Mountains.

–> Download a FREE preview of Finnian and the Seven Mountains today!

However, it’s a difficult place to reach as the weather is hard to predict and those who travel to Ireland are never guaranteed even a boat rid around the island.

As an alternative YouTube is a great place to go with many beautiful videos of the famous island. We have created multiple playlists to aid in your virtual experience of Skellig Michael.

All of the videos are breathtaking and are worth taking a few minutes to enjoy.

If you are looking for a single video that successfully captures the essence of Skellig Michael, check out what YouTube user Devin Super Tramp has done.

He not only shot an amazing flyover of the island, he also accompanied it with an accurate history of the island and additional shots of the monastery. Not only that, it is available in 4K, Ultra HD!

If you are looking for a powerful experience, check out this breathtaking video and watch it on a big screen!

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
