Immerse yourself in a collection of legendary stories where saints fought dragons, talked to centaurs and healed troubled beasts.
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With THE BOOK OF SAINTS AND HEROES, we are introducing a new line of books at Voyage called VOYAGE CLASSICS.
We will be re-printing many entertaining and inspiring books that are currently in the public domain. Our editions of these books will include original illustrations and new typesetting to help bring these classics to a new audience.
The Book of Saints and Heroes
Immerse yourself in a collection of legendary stories where saints fought dragons, talked to centaurs and healed troubled beasts.
Medieval Christians were expert storytellers, illustrating profound spiritual truths through exciting legends that captured the imagination. They greatly admired the saints and heroes who walked among them and preserved their memory in tales that are difficult to forget.
In this book you will encounter not only St. George and the Dragon, but also St. Columba and the Loch Ness Monster, St. Francis and the Wolf and St. Jerome with his friendly lion.
You will also marvel at the holiness and extraordinary charity of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Margaret of Scotland and St. Vincent de Paul.
Gather the whole family to read these remarkable legends and be inspired by saints who were not afraid to lead heroic lives.

Behind the Story
What you are about to read is a fascinating collection of legends from the popular historian and author of the 19th century, Andrew Lang. He wrote, along with his wife, Lenora, many popular collections of myths and fairy tales, such as the color-coded Fairy Book series. J.R.R. Tolkien was highly influenced by Lang’s collections as a child, as well as an adult. In fact, his famous essay, On Fairy Stories, was originally designed to be part of a series of lectures about Andrew Lang.
While Andrew Lang was not a practicing Christian, he decided to publish a book on Saints and Heroes that featured many medieval myths and legends about Catholic saints. It was designed, like many of his books, to be read aloud, specifically to children. While some of the language used can be difficult for the modern reader, it still retains its value as a popular read aloud book, especially among homeschool families. At the same time, Tolkien would argue that these stories are not to be reserved to children but should be enjoyed by adults of every age. We all need to awaken in ourselves a sense of wonder and these legends can help even adults achieve that goal.
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