Today, during “Respect Life Month” we are announcing our latest comic book, Life Choices: The Gift, focusing on the power of story to help teens choose life.

Published in a partnership with LifeCanada, a national association of educational pro-life groups who promote and protect the value of human life, The Gift is a unique resource that can be used in schools, parishes and families to discuss the consequences of a teenage pregnancy. (If you are involved in any capacity with the education of teens, let us know and we can send you a free copy!)
13,000 infants are born to teen parents each year in Canada, and 700,000 in the United States.
Research shows that these parents are vulnerable to abortion because the challenges of adolescent pregnancy and parenting are often deployed by abortionists to push teens towards abortion.
LifeCanada and Voyage Comics have developed a high-quality 40-page comic book that addresses the consequences of teen pregnancy from the perspective of two regular teens who date in high school and become pregnant. Each chapter focuses on a different choice and how it impacts their lives and the life of the unborn child.
Life Choices: The Gift is now available for purchase on November 1, with special discounts available for bulk purchases.
While we do emphasize the use of this comic in schools and parishes, any family can use it to talk to a teenager about life. You can use it while talking to your own child, grandchild, niece or nephew. The key is to use this resource as a springboard for discussion.

Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.