An inside look at Treasure Chest Volume One!

As we previously announced, we have embarked on the arduous journey of digitally remastering the entire collection of Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact, a a high-quality Catholic comic book series published from 1946 to 1972.

This will be a long-term project, as the entire series contains nearly 500 issues!

We won’t be able to fit all of those into a single volume, so instead we will be publishing them in smaller volumes.

The first is now available and will cover issues that were released from March – May 1946. The finished volume will contain over 192 pages of content!

Instead of simply re-printing the scanned pictures of these issues, we are digitally restoring them, extracting the inks and recoloring them so that they look even crisper and cleaner than they were originally.

Each issue will have a variety of topics covered (as indicated in the list on the first issue). Some will be entirely religious in nature (such as exhortations about Lent), while others will be educational (such as facts about animals).

You can order your copy here!

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
