Introducing our FIRST Young Adult Novel!

At Voyage, our mission is to create exceptional entertainment, informed by Catholic values, that inspires people to live a heroic life.

While so far that has mainly focused on creating quality comic books, we have been expanding this year to other types of books. For example, earlier this year we announced our new Voyage Classics line featuring The Book of Saints and Heroes (which is now IN STOCK and currently shipping!!).

Now we would like to expand our lineup to include Young Adult Novels, beginning with a book entitled, Brave Water.

Written by homeschooling mom and writer, Sarah Robsdottir, Brave Water is a historical fiction novel that follows the adventures of two teenagers in eastern Africa.

We are proud to publish Brave Water and firmly believes it can be categorized as “exceptional entertainment, informed by Catholic values, that inspires people to live a heroic life.”

You will learn much more about Brave Water over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, you can read the first chapter here (we’ll make the second chapter available to e-mail subscribers next week!)

Brave Water is suitable for ages: 13 – Adult.

