When money is short, it’s time to reevaluate our entertainment – Captain’s Log #018

2022 has already been a difficult year for many with the war in Ukraine, and the increased supply-chain interruptions that are only getting worse.

And the continual rise in gas prices in the United States certainly hasn’t helped either!!

All of these factors are putting a strain on everyone’s pocketbooks, making it difficult to spend much money on anything besides the basics.

At the same time, this economic crisis presents us with an opportunity.

When money is short, we are forced to reevaluate the entertainment we consume.

For example, here are the monthly prices for the most popular streaming platforms.

  • HBO Max – $14.99
  • Netflix – $8.99 and up
  • Amazon Prime – $8.99 and Up
  • Disney Plus – $7.99 and Up
  • Hulu – $5.99 and Up
  • Paramount – $5.99 and Up

Many Americans subscribe to multiple streaming platforms, multiplying the monthly price they pay for video entertainment.

Comic book lovers also have their own set of monthly subscription services that they subscribe to, such as the following:

  • Marvel Unlimited – $9.99
  • DC Universe – $7.99
  • Comixology – $5.99

For many of us, these prices pose no problem to our monthly budget and we enjoy the services that they provide.

However, for some of us, these monthly prices can put a strain on our budget, especially if we subscribe to multiple services.

Additionally, the recent actions of these companies can put our entertainment choices in question. We may ask ourselves if we truly value the entertainment they provide, or if they are producing content that is offensive to our beliefs.

Whatever conclusion you may arrive at, I would like to ask you to consider supporting Voyage Comics with a monthly membership.

We have two tiers of membership, very close to the above prices.

  • Voyager Plus – $10/month
  • Voyager Basic – $5/month

While you may not get access to thousands of movies from us, you can confidently know that your monthly support will help us produce entertainment that is consistent with your values.

Among the benefits of this membership is access to monthly Zoom calls; the first will be held on June 14.

At these Zoom calls, we will preview upcoming comics and let you in on our creative process. We’ve been doing A LOT of work behind the scenes and are excited to share with you our progress.

And these Zoom calls will keep us accountable of the support you give to us! You can see where your money is going and see first-hand what you are helping to create!

Besides this monthly membership, you can always support our work by purchasing our comics and t-shirts as presents, or to simply enjoy.

We know this is a difficult time for many of you. We will keep all of you in our daily prayers, asking God to bless you with everything that you need.

Onward Voyagers!

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
