Happy New Year, Voyagers! I am pleased to bring back a new weekly edition of “The Captain’s Log,” a casual behind-the-scenes look at what’s happening at Voyage Comics, and what to look forward to in the coming days ahead.
2021 was a great year, though we only published 3 new comics! We introduced you to The Phantom Phoenix, continued the Finnian Saga and shed some light on a real-life hero in the Champion of the Poor.
Our plan is to make 2022 different, ramping-up production as best we can to deliver more, high quality entertainment, rooted in the true, good and beautiful.
We’ll begin the New Year, with a long-overdue continuation of The Phantom Phoenix! Our original plan was to release the next issue right before Christmas, but we were cutting it too close for comfort and we didn’t want to make empty promises. Instead, we took our time with production and will be opening pre-orders next week!
As with any of our comic launches, we will feature new products as well, including a snazzy new t-shirt and some pretty rad socks!! You heard us right, socks!! We are partnering-up with Sock Religious to deliver fun and comfortable socks featuring a dynamic Phantom Phoenix pose. We are excited to reveal these cool-looking socks next week! Get your feet ready!!
We’re excited to develop The Phantom Phoenix series this year, highlighting a truly virtuous superhero, who isn’t influenced by the modern culture.
Unfortunately, today’s superhero genre is full of characters who are constantly changing to fit the culture’s narrative. The focus is no longer on fighting evil, but on indoctrinating our children, showing them superheroes who “represent” values that are in opposition to our religion.
Instead, what we need are true superheroes who fight for what is true, good and beautiful. That’s what we are trying to do not only with The Phantom Phoenix, but with all of our comics, even our biographical ones. We deserve positive role models who can foster our imagination and lead us to our ultimate goal, the source and summit of our faith.
That’s about it for this week. I am going to make a better effort this year to deliver these “Captain’s Log” entries each week, keeping you updated on our happenings and lifting the curtain a bit behind our operations.
Until then, Onward Voyagers!
Philip Kosloski
Founder & CEO of Voyage Comics

Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.