The Captain’s Log – 007

Happy Easter! This week is a short update, as I wanted to spend the final days of Holy Week focused on the Paschal mystery, or as Tolkien would describe it, the “Great Eucatastrophe.”

Over the past few years I have worn many “hats” as we navigate the long road of starting a business. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to this process.

As Michael Scott would say when he founded his “Michael Scott Paper Company”, “I, on the other hand, am the president, the owner, and the founder. It is like you are buying software from Bill Gates.”

One of the disadvantages is that I essentially have to learn how to do everything! This includes sending e-mails and e-mail marketing.

Over the years I have experimented with countless types of e-mail newsletters. Some of them have been good….while others have been not-so-good!!

Today we are launching a new “experiment,” which is a weekly recap e-mail. (If you aren’t already signed-up, you can sign-up here and get a free comic!)

I tried to keep it short and easy to navigate, including the primary parts of our business.

For April I will keep the e-mails to this one, weekly e-mail, to see how it goes and what the response it will have.

As with anything, it may change in the future. The key is creating a pleasant experience for you, the consumer, and communicating to you the latest news and updates about our products.

And that’s it for this week!

May you have a Blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter!


Philip Kosloski


Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
