Introducing “The Phantom Phoenix”: A new superhero series from Voyage Comics

At Voyage Comics we wanted to start this new year fresh and with a new character who isn’t your typical superhero.

Meet “The Phantom Phoenix

Set in Chicago during the 1920s, Martin struggles to find his place in the world. He suffered a debilitating leg injury as a fighter pilot in World War I and is rejected by society. Without the support of family or the ability to work, Martin is a homeless veteran roaming the streets of Chicago, living off of scraps of food he finds.

That is, until he rises from the ashes.

Through a series of unlikely events, Martin discovers that his knowledge of the streets can actually help the country he fought to defend. Working in the shadows as if he was a “phantom,” he encounters criminals and crime scenes, giving the police the hints and clues they need to clean-up the streets of Chicago.

Despite his difficult situation, he wants to help the police and bring criminals to justice.

Martin is aided in his pursuit for justice by a Polish priest named Fr. Karol, who gives Martin sanctuary in his church basement, establishing a “base of operations” for his detective work and tinkering on new inventions.

This exciting new series will be written by writer Philip Kosloski and illustrated by Michael LaVoy, with colors by Jay David Ramos (JOKER YEAR OF THE VILLAIN, JEAN GREY, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, THE THANOS IMPERATIVE, CALL OF DUTY, EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN).

It is a series that has many inspirations, such as St. Moses the Strong, an inspiring saint from the 4th century. Also, the character is highly influenced by Eugene Bullard, the first African-American pilot to fly in combat.

Furthermore, the series will mine the riches of G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown Series, a collection of unique detective short stories, drawing on the various characters, episodes and Catholic philosophy within it.

The series is currently in the planning stages and is tentatively scheduled to be released in April 2021.

If you want to learn more about the series, sign-up for e-mail updates below!


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    Philip Kosloski

    Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
