Top 10 articles on Christian symbolism found in DC Comics

DC Comics remains one of the most popular brands of entertainment, with its iconic superheroes, such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Surprisingly, over the years much Christian symbolism has found its way inside DC Comics stories, including many of their latest movies.

Whether intentional or not, truth, beauty and goodness is on display and many of our bloggers have reflected on these hidden gems.

Below are the top 10 articles on our Voyage Blog that delve into the Christian symbolism inside DC Comics most popular stories.

For all the articles we have on DC Comics, click this link.

  1. Why comic book artists rely on Catholic symbols to portray religion
  2. The Joker Conundrum: Batman, Joker and the Dignity of the Human Person
  3. Batman, Ash Wednesday and the power of symbols
  4. Living Water: The Christology of DC’s “Aquaman”
  5. Will our resurrected body have superhero powers?
  6. Why the Virgin Mary is the ultimate “Wonder” Woman!
  7. Gotham, Metropolis and the City set on a Hill
  8. ‘Shazam!’ might be the most Catholic super-hero movie of all time
  9. Fear, faith, and forgiveness in “Batman: No Man’s Land”
  10. What Batman and St. Anthony of Egypt teach us about overcoming fear
  11. BONUS!! What Superman can teach us about loving and caring for the poor

For all the articles we have on DC Comics, click this link.

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
