July Production Update: Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis

Earlier this year we began production on a new single-issue comic entitled: “Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis.”

It is a mix of biblical history, fantasy and mythology, all merged together to tell a story of mercy, forgiveness and the light that shines in the darkness.

In particular, we take J.R.R. Tolkien’s translation of the Book of Jonah as a starting point and explore other legends and stories that have been told over the centuries.

Currently our penciller, Alessandro Ventura, is completing the “pencils” for the comic book. He is nearly done with the entire book, having only a few pages left.

After these are completed, they move on to our inker, Jesse Hansen, who goes over the pencils with ink, giving the colorist a clear outline.

Next the colorist, Bryan Arfel Magnaye, completes the artwork of the page.

The last step, completed when all the pages are colored, is the lettering stage, done by Jaymes Reed.

Here is a sneak peak at some of the pages that Alessandro has completed that will soon be inked.

Look for Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis to be released in November 2020!!!

–> Pre-Order your copy of Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis

–> Pre-Order your copy of Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
