Meet Merewyn, a courageous young woman who will be featured in Issue #2

As Finnian and Brendan continue their travels in Finnian and the Seven Mountains, they will encounter new friends and foes. In Issue #2, they will meet Merewyn, a courageous young woman who has lost everything and is ready to embrace whatever adventure comes her way.

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As the first issue focused on a male monastic community, I wasn’t able to include a feminine presence. With the second issue, I wanted to introduce a heroic young woman who will play a vital role as they progress closer to their goal.

As the father of four daughters, I felt compelled to create a female character that they can admire and aspire to be like. Too often in comics or graphic novels female characters are presented in a provocative manner, with superhero costumes that extremely inappropriate. I wanted to change that trend and artist Michael LaVoy helped me create a female character who is beautiful, modest and heroic.

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