Celebrating 6 Years of Voyage Comics! Our past, present and future!

Dear Friends,

It’s been 6 years since I founded Voyage Comics on September 27, 2018! Since our initial launch, we have been able to create the following in 6 short years:

All together we have over 35 titles in print!

And our most popular title, Digital Disciple: Carlo Acutis and the Eucharist, has been translated into Polish, French and Lithuanian!

God is good!

I’ll be honest, I never imagined starting a publishing business, as I really only wanted to create one good comic book. After that fateful launch, I could see God leading me in a new direction and he has been with us every step of the way.

It is my hope and dream that Voyage will continue to be around for many years to come. Mainstream entertainment is a minefield right now and it can be difficult as a parent to continually be on guard against secular influences.

I know from first-hand experience as my children get older that nearly every mainstream book they pick-up at the library has to be “reviewed” by us and we inevitably find a hidden agenda that the world tries to sneak in.

We need more books where good and evil are clearly marked, where women are not objectified and where men are strong and courageous in the face of danger.

Our world desperately needs heroes, whether they be “real” heroes, like the saints, or “fictional” superheroes who stick to their values.

We need more heroic examples to inspire us and to encourage us in our daily life.

Future of Voyage

We’ve reached a point in our business’ development where we simply need to spread. You are part of a small club who actually knows about Voyage Comics. I’d like it if that club could grow exponentially in the next year!

We hope to partner with more organizations in the next year and to feature more saints as part of our lineup. We’d like to double our saint comics in the next year!

Also, we are still committed to our superhero series. While Marvel and DC continually feature “anti-heroes,” we want to create an alternate universe where superheroes are actually good and fight for truth and justice!

This Fall we look forward to the second volume of the Catholic Cartoon Collection by Joshua Masterson, which is due out in November. We are also working on a new series featuring Marian Apparitions that will be released in December.

In the end, the future of Voyage is in your hands.

If you want to see us succeed and to continue providing good, wholesome content for your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, then we need your help.

What can you do?

It’s simple: share Voyage Comics with one NEW person today.

I’m not even asking for your money. All I’m asking is that you e-mail, text, or share on social media your love of Voyage Comics.

Maybe you want to share Voyage with your parish priest, a sibling, or a trusted friend.

Whatever you do, try to share Voyage with one person today!

And if you truly can’t think of anyone, then please pray for Voyage! Just offering a simple “Hail Mary,” or “Our Father,” for Voyage can have a lasting impact!

I do want to THANK you for your support and I look forward to helping you inspire your children with heroic stories for many years to come!

Philip Kosloski

Philip Kosloski is the founder of Voyage Comics & Publishing and the writer and creator of the comic book series, Finnian and the Seven Mountains.
